Fix One Thing Each Day

We all have things to do each day and we feel that we must do what we know before we make our lists that we simply could not do everything on the list because we have a finite amount of time available each day (and we don’t know how many days we have left) and… Continue reading Fix One Thing Each Day

Thoughts and Dreams 1997

“While you are making your plans, your children are growing up around you and begin to plan and dream their own futures”.  – Roland M The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step. – Lao Tzu This is what I wrote to myself in 1997. I received much of what I was hoping… Continue reading Thoughts and Dreams 1997

So where on earth are we going to live? if we bail out the Rat Race.

So where on earth are we going to live? if we bail out the rat race. For most people if we have been slaving away in the rat race we are looking for more, for bigger, or larger, for more space, more everything. We are most definitely not thinking about smaller, cheaper, or less. It… Continue reading So where on earth are we going to live? if we bail out the Rat Race.

What does bailing out the Rat Race actually mean?

What does bailing out the rat race actually mean? It means different things to different people: I think that there is a continuum, with the polar opposites at each end being the crazy “I-have-no-time-to-live-my-life” at one end, and far at the other end, “I-have-all-the-time-in-the-world- life”. Our “more is better” rather than “better is better” commercial advertising… Continue reading What does bailing out the Rat Race actually mean?

Less time, no time – The “earn more” or “spend less” dilemma

Less time, no time – The “earn more” or “spend less” dilemma Any small business owner knows that keeping costs low is critical to success. The same applies to bailing out of the rat race. It can’t be done unless costs are low, or income is high, of course both would be nice. However, there… Continue reading Less time, no time – The “earn more” or “spend less” dilemma

Havilah House Music Room I have been working towards making a music room in the garage, (below the four upstairs bedrooms).  I have mostly used recycled material.   The project has been quite time consuming and is still incomplete. The idea is to have a retreat of sorts, a place for members of the family to find some… Continue reading Havilah House Music Room